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KAMPUCHEA SËLA HANDICAP ORGANIZATION has built a network of partners in order to offer our beneficiaries adapted care conditions and a personal and professional development program allowing them to become as independent as possible in the future


KAMPUCHEA SËLA HANDICAP ORGANIZATION (KSH) initiate a partnership with POUR UN SOURIRE D'ENFANT (PSE) regarding the integration in KSH's programs of formers beneficiaries from PSE with intellectual disabilities reaching adulthood (18 years old). Our partnership aims to offer to these young adult with intellectual disabilities a continuity in the educative program in order to integrate them into the Cambodian society.


DAMNOK TEUK a major actor as KAMPUCHEA SËLA HANDICAP ORGANIZATION aiming to offer an educative & vocational training program for young adults with intellectual disability, have mutually estimated that a program exchange partnership would be relevant in order to aware society about disability and make discover our respectives beneficiaries some of their sibbling with intellectual disability then mutualize our actions to spread across Cambodia the possibility for people with intellectual disability within the Kingdom Of Cambodia

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CAMBODIAN TRAIN UP CHILDREN'S HOME is dedicated to provide a safe place for training up children, offering them an opportunity for education, hope and the love of Jesus. Some of the beneficiaries from this organize with intellectual disablity reaching adulthood joins KSH programs to continue their way to autonomy & independance.


SKATISTAN initiate a programs run at the Skate School, at Outreach locations and with partner organizations each week, with a focus on providing opportunities for girls, children and young adult living with disabilities. KSH's beneficiaries join one time per week a sport and educative program in order to mediate around several therapeutics and educative activities


KAMPUCHEA BALOPP  is a youth development through sports NGO working in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Together with partner organizations and institutions Kampuchea Balopp will provide disadvantaged and disabled children and young adults the opportunity to gain the life and social skills that enable so many to become successful. Through the teaching the children the skills of rugby and offering them a chance to play regularly Kampuchea hopes to imbue them with leadership, sportsmanship, social, and team skills as well as offering them a safe and fun outlet for all their boisterous energy.


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KAMPUCHEA SËLA HANDICAP ORGANIZATION in the frame of its mission, is recognized by several MoU by the competents autorities of the Royal Kingdom Of Cambodia.

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